Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

     Happy New Year everyone! This year was the best New Year's for us. Not only was Jason home, but this was the first one with our BC. Our eve included dinner at the local Mexican restaurant to satisfy my craving, sparkling grape juice, video games, fireworks, the movie Rio, and ended with a kiss.
       The day after Christmas I experienced Braxton Hicks for the first time. At least it was the first time I was awake and felt them. It was strange. It felt like a muscle cramp on my stomach and when I touched my belly it was really hard and tight. It was slightly uncomfortable but quickly passed. Moments later, I felt another one. At this poiont, I was still unaware of what was going on. I stood up and they stopped. After a little late night research, I found an answer to my unexplained tight stomach: Braxton Hicks. Maybe I'll have nice abs after delivery at this rate. I know, wishful thinking! Anyways, I know that they are completely normal and that my body is getting ready for the big day. We now have less than 9 weeks until my due date. She is making it a little tougher to sleep at night now. The little kung fu expert still practices and makes use of her time when I'm trying to catch zzz's. Except now, it really hurts! I wake up in the morning expecting to find bruises on my stomach like Bella from Breaking Dawn. Instead, I wake up to a lopsided belly.
      I'm happy to annouce that BC is right on track with her growth. On December 29th, I went in for an ultrasound with Jason. This was the first time Jason was able to see our little Honey in utero. She didn't really put on a show this time around. I was nearly 31 weeks and it's much harder to get good pictures after 20 weeks of pregnancy because there is less room for babies to do sumersaults. Instead, we saw a very balled up BC. She was so balled up that the ultrasound tech giggled. We all laughed when we saw a foot on BC's forehead. She is quite flexible! Some notable observations: BC is still a girl, she had the hiccups, she is head down and very low, she weighed 3lbs 10oz, she is right in the middle of her growth chart and perfect!
   Now, we are busily preparing for her arrival. Jason and I spent the New Year's weekend painting her room. Soon we'll decorate and have it all put together. His squadron will be throwing me a baby shower in January and we are so grateful. Also, Jason may leave late January for three weeks aboard the USS Kearsarge, yet again. We are both hoping he doesn't have to go in case I go into labor early. One thing is for sure, he will be gone the whole month of April. Therefore, that month would be great for visitors. We are looking forward to spending the month of March getting to know our daughter and establishing a routine for her. As much as we look forward to showing everyone our little bundle, we would like to have a full 4 weeks alone with her to bond and allow her immunties to build up. Don't worry, everyone will probably have picture updates everyday! With everything going on, I have hardly noticed that I will finally hit a 30th birthday milestone this month. Perhaps that is a good thing. ;)
   In the meantime, please enjoy her latest ultrasound picture and a 31 week photo of me and BC on New Year's Eve.