Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Nearing the final countdown!!!

     Since we last checked in there have been some updates. BC and I took a trip to Texas for Thanksgiving and a baby shower. It was a wonderful time and so nice to see my family. Everyone gave BC a rub like she was Budha and sent her well wishes. The week went by too quickly. I flew down alone and met up with Jason in Corpus Christi. At the time, he was just finishing flight school in San Diego. Unfortunately, I was ill the whole week with a cold. However; Thanksgiving was just as I remembered: happy and very full! The baby shower was absolutely beautiful! I had an opportunity to see family members and friends that I hadn't seen in a while. The day after Thanksgiving I happily returned to my pets and maternity pillow...again. A few days after my arrival, Jason also finally returned home. It was the best feeling in the world: to be together again.
    While I was in Texas, I received a call from the OBGYN nurse who reported that my blood sugar was elevated. So, when I returned to Beaufort, I scheduled the dreaded 3 hour blood glucose test. Basically, you drink orange soda and sit there for three hours. The lab tech takes your blood every hour to read your blood glucose levels. Before this test, a person must go on a special diet for three days prior. The whole process really wasn't too bad. The next day ,I received a phone call to notify me that in fact I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Of course, I googled everything I could and scheduled my necessary appointments. I met a nutrionist who gave all the information I could ever want on carbohydrates, fiber, nutrition labels, etc. Most of the information was already known to me, but I thought I had been given a free pass now that I was pregnant. Limiting my carb intake? I'm suppose to get BIG. That has not been the case. I then picked up my prescription which included a glucometer. Yes, that gadget that pokes your finger for "diabeetus" as the old man says in that famous commercial. I poke my finger 4 times a day to read my blood sugar. It's not fun at all. There is also the diet change and carb counting. I have a food log and blood sugar log.Now, my schedule revolves around my food intake and making sure I have three snacks and three meals, document that, and test blood sugar two hours later. The doctor said that there is no explanation why I am one of the 4% of women who are diagnosed with the disease. He said he would typically expect to see a woman who had gained a lot of weight during their pregnancy to have this diagnosis. I have only lost weight. Also, my measurments are right on track. Otherwise, everything is perfect and he said there is nothing I could have done to prevent the diagnosis. Since my levels continue to be elevated he said that even if I were to eat the strictest diet I would have had the same prognosis. If there is a silver lining, it is that it goes away after delivery and the baby and myself will be just fine with intervention. Also, I will have another ultrasound on Dec. 29th to make sure she isn't too big. I'm anxious to see her at nearly 31 weeks and Jason will be able to finally see her too.
      We are finally nearing the last ten weeks and the single digits. Soon, we'll be counting the days! She continues to re-decorate her space and I feel it more than ever before. I woke up this morning and looked at my belly and could see which side she was sleeping on: right side. I'm at a point in pregnancy where she is moving at least 30 times an hour. Most times she responds to touch. Anytime I lay a hand on my belly she moves and kicks that spot. It's almost like she is telling me "hands off, please." Jason receives just the opposite. The baby almost never moves once he places his hand on my belly. Sometimes she is really going and I tell him to feel her and then she is calm the minute he touches her. I hope this calming efffect continues outside the womb so I know where to pass the crying babe.
     We hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and we'll see you next year!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

6 Month Check-Up

Hello All!

Today, BC and I went in for a routine check-up. I met a new Dr. and she was very nice and patient. After jumping on the scale I realized I am still 3lbs under my starting weight. I have only gained 1lb in the last 3 weeks. I asked the doctor if there was anything to worry about and she said "no." She said because my uterus is still growing, all is well. After measuring my bump, she reported that I am right where I am suppose to be. This was a great relief! Since last month, I had nothing new to report except the occasional morning sickness. I have noticed that I am feeling BC so much more now and she is especially active at night. The doctor said that it doesn't mean she will be up all night when she is born and I said "Thank goodness!" Due to the soreness and enormity of my belly, sleeping is becoming harder. I am also waking up frequently for restroom breaks - maybe nature's way of preparing me for what is to come.  The little silly girl was crammed on the right side of my tummy today so it took a while to find her heartbeat. Once we did it was perfect. Just before the doctor took the doppler off my belly we heard her make a noise and the doctor said "I heard that!" It's believed she had a hiccup. LOL

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

She's Kickin'

    So, we are overdue for an update! Things have been pretty busy in our neck of the woods. By now, I am nearly 24 weeks. Since our last post, I had a trip to radiology on October 17th for a mid-pregnancy ultrasound. This was the first time Jason was able to participate via skype. At one point, Jason said something and BC's heart beat faster. The technician said that BC had heard his voice and became excited. Although he couldn't see the screen well, he was able to hear everything. The important thing was he heard that our little BC looked textbook and that our baby is a GIRL! That's right, she is all girl and we have the pictures to prove it. She is one tough cookie who was conceived when the doctor said it wouldn't be possible. On October 19th, we had a check-up with the doctor who reported that all the lab work came back normal and she is healthy. Finally, I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. Then, as if the week couldn't be sweeter, we flew to San Diego to be reunited with Jason. It was the best week I've had during the whole pregnancy! I was so happy and my appetite had returned. Not only had my morning sickness tapered off but I felt completely whole with my other half and the baby. Jason and I had a fun week celebrating our anniversary and news of a little girl, shopping for her homecoming outfit, and starting our baby registry. We, by "we" I mean Jason, did a few wine tastings and a tour of the Stone Brewery. Fortunately for Jason, all my free beer samples went to him. The week ended too quickly and I was on my way back to Beaufort to my furbabies and maternity pillow.
      So, here's the scoop on BC's kicks: On September 24th at 17 weeks, I felt 2 pops in my belly in the middle of the night. They took me by surprise because it did not feel as small as popcorn. From that moment on, she has been kicking ever since. The kicks were noticeable after I ate and before I fell asleep. Then, on October 21st at 20 weeks, she felt especially active in the evening. I was laying down and placed my hand on my lower abdomen. My hand was greeted by a bump that stuck out. Not only did I feel the bump on the outside but I felt the movement on the inside. I pulled back my hand and giggled. Then I placed my hand on my abdomen again and she greeted me with another bump. Whether she has mastered her high five skills or not, I am sure she was trying to finally greet me. Unfortunately, Jason never felt her kick because every time she was active and he reached for my belly, she calmed down.
      On Halloween, I stayed home and watched movies, passed out candy, and felt a surprise. Indy, BC, and I all dressed up as skeletons. It was very nice to lounge around the house again and relax. The relaxation was interrupted by bubbles in my stomach. The feeling was new to me and the bubbles were pretty consistent. Every few seconds I would feel them. Then, something clicked: she has the hiccups! I had never felt them before. It was super cute and lasted only a short while.
       Lately, I have felt BC more these days. I think it's partly because she is getting bigger and partly because I am aware of her kicks. Also, there is no mistaking her movement! Sometimes she kicks something and it isn't always pleasant. I know that soon she will start putting on a show outside the belly too. One evening, I saw my blankets move from her movements. I may have a trick at the Thanksgiving table this year after all!
      We hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving this year and we want you all to know we are thankful for your support. Jason, BC, and I will be traveling to Texas to visit my family for Thanksgiving. I have not seen them in two years and I am thankful to spend time with them. Until next time, please enjoy the ultrasound pictures. Her beautiful face was captured by the ultrasound tech. I love the first picture because you can see her lips. The ultrasound tech tried to get a picture that didn't look skeletal but each time she did I laughed and probably messed up the opportunity. The last picture is our evidence of a girl. That picture cracks me up every time because her legs are sticking straight out as if she was just sitting in there. =)

Thursday, September 22, 2011


     BC has finally decided to redecorate my belly to make room for some much needed growth. I am now 16 weeks and 5 days. Since our last entry, BC and I have traveled to San Diego to inform his or her new Grandparents, Aunt Jessica, and everyone else. It was so nice to have some quality family time with Jason and BC. We visited the many sights of San Diego and even took BC to Sea World - in utero of course! The trip ended all too quickly and I started my second trimester with a bang.
    My second trimester greeted me with more nausea, weight loss, and a sinus infection among other things. I will spare everyone the details but I did not leave the house for two weeks. The doctor was gracious to prescribe antibiotics without even seeing me because of how I sounded on the phone. A week later, I had a check up and I dreaded it. I was a so worried that something would be wrong because I was still losing weight. To make matters worse I felt horrible that I had taken medications to help get better even though they were approved. The doctor took out the doppler and said "do you hear that?" My eyes widened and I laughed. I even cried when I heard the heartbeat because I was overjoyed to know that BC was OK. The doctor told me not to worry and that the baby would be fine even with the weight loss and medicine. So he prescribed more Zofran and allergy medicine. I am happy to report that after 9 weeks of feeling sick everyday, all day, I am finally feeling back to normal. Also, I can eat! I am now appreciative of being so sick because I think it will make me stronger as the pregnancy progresses. I feel like I will be better equipped to handle the rest of this pregnancy with ease. I don't think it can be worse than being sick for 9 weeks straight. Hopefully!
    BC is now able to listen to my heartbeat and voice. It warms my soul knowing that I can talk to him or her all the time. I am never alone. Very soon, I should start feeling movement and I can't wait. I had a hard time seeing the beauty of pregnancy these past few months but now its starting to come together. I feel the connection and it's the most beautiful thing I have ever felt. I know it will only get better. Especially now that I can see BC growing right before my eyes, literally. Soon he/she will make a great cup holder! Ha ha!
    As for the rest of the family, Jason will be promoted in October to MAJOR! I'm so proud. Please send him prayers for more safe flights so he can come home. Indy is in good health and his allergies have improved since moving to SC. He is loving the cooler weather and larger back yard.  Sarah recently figured out how to use the doggie door. She hasn't attempted it since she first discovered it. I don't think she likes being outside anymore. In less than two weeks, my sister and nephew will be visiting for a week and a half. I have not seen my 22 month old nephew since he was a newborn. I'm so excited! Disney World is on our itinerary.
     Stay tuned for big news to include BC's first kicks, more ultrasound pictures, and most importantly - gender news! All happening next month! In the meantime, I'd like to finally share bump pictures. These were taken yesterday - 16 weeks and 4 days.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Baby flutters!

I wasn't going to post anything until the second trimester started but this is too good to wait. Today, I was sitting in front of my computer looking up the latest updates on Hurricane Irene. I was surprised to feel something in the lower part of my belly. It continued to vibrate and it felt like bubbles. It was as though someone had put a straw into my stomach and started blowing. It lasted for 3-5 seconds. I panicked and stood up and immediately it stopped. Then I felt nauseous. I have to be careful with the sudden standing! I called the OBGYN nurse because this first time Mom worried. She told me that it was too early to feel anything because the baby was so deep in the uterus, but when I did some research online I found a whole group of women who experienced the same. Many of these women said that indeed they felt the fluttering as well and as time passed it continued to get stronger and turned into the full fledged movements that you could feel outside the belly too. I also read that second time mothers will feel the fluttering as early as 12 weeks because they tend to be more tuned into their bodies. Also, the movement happens in moments when you are relaxing, like sitting in a chair. After doing my own research, I am convinced that I felt BC today. BC is letting me know that he/she is there and would like some lunch please!

Friday, August 5, 2011


      Today we heard BC's lovebeats for the first time! This itty bitty baby has a strong heartbeat and it flickered on the screen. BC, who is no bigger than a small strawberry, wiggled quite a bit when he/she heard his/her heartbeat. The doctor said BC was listening too. Today's appointment confirmed three things: 1. There is only one BC, 2. the due date is March 3rd, 3. and most importantly, BC has a heartbeat! I can hardly describe the sheer joy I experienced in listening to our baby's heartbeat for the first time. I can say that I am so in love! BC proves to be a little miracle and is coming along well. I am also in good health and trying my hardest to keep food down and my eyes dry! It isn't natural to cry while watching shark attacks on Discovery's shark week. Needless to say, the hormones are certainly increasing everyday. Nausea is probably the worst symptom and lasts all day with the worst parts in the evening. At 10 weeks, there has been no weight gain and a loss of 7 pounds in the last two weeks. The doctor had mercy on me and prescribed something to help with the sudden urge to upchuck everything. The doctor said that weight loss is normal in the first trimester and nothing to be concerned with at this point. BC is taking his/her nutrients regardless. Fortunately, fatigue has not been an issue. The first trimester is nearly complete and with the detection of today's heartbeat, a risk of miscarriage is extremely low. BC parents can now relax and enjoy the ride...until BC arrives of course.

       So what are these images you see? Well, it's BC of course! These are the very first pictures we have of our itty bitty baby. BC's head is on the left and it is half the size of his or her body. In the images, BC is sunny side up and you are looking at the front of BC's little body. The body is on the right and if you look closely you can see arms and legs protruding from the ends. The doctor assured me that the part between BC's legs is not manhood and is quite possibly the umbilical cord. In one of the images there is a tiny circle near BC's head - that is the yolk sac which will disappear soon. We are already such proud parents who now get to share our baby's first photos.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Prenatal Visit

     So far, BC and I are doing well. The only thing that would make our situation perfect would be to have Jason home. He left last week and it was hard saying goodbye. I think it was hard because he hasn't been home long, and also because my hormones are having WW III inside my body. SO, that's fun! These past couple of weeks have been really great and I dare say that the pregnancy has been pretty smooth. There have been a few episodes of slight nausea but it never ends in vomiting. I was experiencing some discomfort as I slept and frequent restroom trips in the wee hours of the morning. Now things seem to be back to normal. All except the overproduction of liquid from my tear ducts for no apparent reason. I fear that if I even glance at an infant I might cry more than he or she. Needless to say, I am anxious to meet BC. I love having all the slight symptoms I do, because even though I see no evidence of BC, I know he/she is in there! I have been doing  a lot of reading and I feel very relieved to know that what I am experiencing is normal. It's so nice to have so much knowledge at your fingertips.
     Today, I had my first prenatal visit with the nurse practitioner. There were three other couples in the prenatal class with me. I was a bit hurt when the speaker thanked all the fathers that showed up for being "so involved." I know Jason would have been with me if he was in the same state. Our first order of business was to complete an OB questionnaire. It sure was a lot of paperwork. That was followed by a few speakers announcing free classes for parenting, baby budgeting, breastfeeding, and Daddy boot camp. I am so grateful that through our health care we have so many options. After the presentations, we each had prenatal lab work and interviews. The nurse practitioner was impressed that overall I was very healthy. I told her that I hadn't had any awful pregnancy symptoms. Hopefully, this track record continues throughout the pregnancy. Jason called me soon after my appointment to get all the details. Our next adventure will be next month and it includes a look at BC for the first time! As, I write this I am already starting to cry thinking about it. Our little coffee bean will be a bit larger by then and God willing we will soon be able to inform everyone of our BC. Thank goodness for that because this has been the hardest news to keep to ourselves.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Surprise Notification

     The month of June was a very busy month indeed! With a move on the horizon and an attempt to make a dream come true, we were definitely occupied. Jason had only been home a couple of weeks before he was quickly put to work. On June 9th, I had a mid-cycle ultrasound to see if my fertility medicine had worked. Alas, my follicles showed no signs of ovulation and I was told to return in 5 days for a second attempt. On June 13th, I arrived at the fertility clinic only to receive disappointing news. The doctor was already talking about IVF and things didn't look promising. He said that most likely I wouldn't ovulate. I was pretty upset because time was against us as Jason was set to leave in July for a few months with the possibility of another deployment on the back end. As I stifled the lump in my throat and the tears in my eyes on the way home, Jason reassured me and said it was only the first try. I knew he was right and it comforted me. As the days passed, I accepted and even welcomed the possibility of another year as just a couple without a baby. We were also very distracted because we were in the midst of our move and driving to and from Virginia Beach. After a long week, we finally made our final destination: Beaufort, SC. It was so nice to be back in our house! Indy fell in love with his yard and I enjoyed my husband's company. He was finally home and on leave. Over the next couple of weeks we worked everyday to get settled and we did yard work in the 90+ degree weather. Soon we would reap the rewards of a nice home with beautiful grass. It wasn't until July that I started feeling a little different. I shrugged it off and thought perhaps I was going to have a period soon. One day I was in such a bad mood that I had to avoid being around anything or anyone that aggravated me. Okay, okay, maybe it was a couple of days! After speaking with good friend, she brought to my attention that I usually have a period before her. At this point, I hadn't really paid any attention because I didn't think it could be possible. So for extra measure and because the fourth of July was fast approaching, I decided to take a pregnancy test. I informed Jason of my decision the night before. The next morning, half asleep, I opened my package and performed the test. I immediately saw one line and assumed it would be negative. So I washed up and then checked it again. This time I saw two lines - one darker than the other. I assumed it meant I wasn't pregnant because the other line wasn't dark enough. So I read the instructions and I noticed an illustration that looked like my result. Underneath the illustration read: PREGNANT. I immediately felt my body flush with warm happiness and tears welled up in my eyes. The pain and anguish that I felt the day of my ultrasound flashed in my mind and drained out of my body only to be replaced with an image of a baby inside of me. It was a moment of pure bliss and it felt like heaven on earth. That morning any negative feeling I could ever have did not exist. I was on cloud 9! On July 2nd at 8:03am I was first notified of "BC" or "Baby Craig." Of course the next thing to do was to notify the Daddy. So, as he lay there sleeping I shook his arm. Slowly, he woke up to ask me what was wrong. Proudly, I showed him my result and then the instructions. As soon as he realized, we embraced and I laughed. Never to be left out, Indy Craig shared the moment with us. He jumped onto the bed and started to lick our faces. Jason told Indy he would have a new "brother" or "sister." Over the weekend, I took a total of four pregnancy tests to make sure I was pregnant and they were all positive. Finally, on July 5th, the pregnancy was confirmed a the clinic. BC was a complete surprise and the most wonderful surprise I have ever been blessed with! Now we wait for our first ultrasound which is scheduled for August 5th. Unfortunately, Daddy will be in San Diego but he will hear every detail from BC Mommy.