Saturday, May 5, 2012

Life with Camille Moxie...

Hello All,

       Life has been a bit more busy in the Craig household. Camille is adapating and learning everyday. From the day we brought her home, she has settled in nicely. After five days of life, she experienced her second photography session. Since then, we have been the professionals. Although the pictures are abundant, we know we will appreciate them when she is older. Since she has entered our lives there has been an explosion of pink! I'm so glad she doesn't seem to mind. She is such a good baby and really only fusses when she wants to be held, fed, or is tired. Everyday her eyes absorb everything around her and you can tell she is trying to process what is going on.
     The first month, Camille lost her umbilical cord 17 days after her birth. The next day she had her first bath. She really enjoyed it and continues to appreciate bath time. Another bonus is she quickly adjusted to nights and days. She has been a very good sleeper since her second week. I would only wake up twice a night to nurse her and then we woud resume sleeping. We are currently using cloth diapers and the process could not be easier. Not only does her rump benefit but so does Mother Nature. Most of Camille's first month was spent sleeping and growing. It seemed like it was going to be smooth sailing through the newborn stage.
      The second month, Camille started staying awake more often during the day. By her fifth week, she was already ten pounds. Again, she was pretty easy going and easy to please. Once she reached week six, I anticipated a growth spurt. During that week she was inconsolable and that carried on into week seven and eight. During this time, she didn't sleep very well and the days were long. It seemed like I couldn't do anything to calm her or make her happy. Just when I started to feel discouraged she started smiling! From then on she couldn't be stopped. It is more and more obvious that she now realizes that we are her parents and love her very much. Now she smiles when she is happpy and our hearts melt. Around eight weeks the crying jag ended. She is back to her easy going self and we couldn't be happier. Now if only we could get her to sleep through the night...

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